- Low Mint Hill taxes, excellent schools
- 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath - house approx. 1550 sq ft.
- 700 sq ft. 3-bay garage
- 700 sq ft above garage for office/shop/playroom (90% finished)
- < 5 minutes to 485 interchange
- 750 feet of treed driveway - Very private!
- Open and wooded areas, beautiful trees
- Cape Code style, cedar siding, shake roof
- TimberPeg© Home,
hard wood floors on main - extremely energy efficient
- Lots of Anderson windows, Jennaire stove, custom oak cabinets,
skylights, vaulted ceilings upstairs.
- Floor plan GREAT for entertaining.
- Lots of closet/storage space.
- Storage shed, swing set, creek
- Deep well (no expensive city water!)