Recent Bottle Walls on Flickr
Curious that there seems to be more and more bottle walls and bottle houses popping up on the web, especially on Flickr. All these are from Flickr and all were posted in the past 3-4 months -
anonymous close up

First of all, a few sites I'd heard of but never found images for -
Pioneertown, CA
this is at
Pappy and Harriet's Pioneertown Palace (though no mention of the bottle walls on their website)

Calico House
The Ghost Town in
Calico, California. I'd seen a few images of this house before but not in such a wide range of angles.

Prince Edward Island
I'd heard of these
three bottle houses on Prince Edward Island Canada by
Edouard Arsenault before but, again, I simply hadn't stumbled upon quite so many images before... and you get many more images with a Flickr search of
Prince Edward Island Bottle. These are just a few recent images...

Earthship house
Part of a set from a couple building their won earthsip house in New Mexico.

UK Bottle Dome
outside of the roof of the bottle dome in the waste and recycling zone of the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales -

The New Zealand Bottle Wall Thing
Why New Zealand as the new vanguard of bottle wall/house creation? Is it the remoteness?, the eccentricity of the populace?, a 'green' revolution?, or the Hundertwasser influence? - or some combination of all? In any case, there seems to be a great deal of bottle wall activity happening in New Zealand.
Wellington New Zealand Bottle House

The Hundertwasser influence in New Zealand
A New Zealand art studio with a small bottle wall in the style of Hundertwasser.

Another New Zealand Hundertwasser style small bottle wall.

Carlucci Land -
Detail photos of a bottle wall in New Zealand at Carlucci Land, a sculpture park in Wellington.

finally -
the New Zealand Composting Toilet
doubly inspired by Hundertwasser...

Posted by Tom at July 10, 2007 06:15 PM