April 17, 2010

BIG Halftones in Architecture

Bjarke Ingels: 3 warp-speed architecture tales - a TED talk

Danish architect Bjarke Ingels rockets through photo/video-mingled stories of his eco-flashy designs. His buildings not only look like nature -- they act like nature: blocking the wind, collecting solar energy -- and creating stunning views.

The most interesting part for me is the third project, 'The Mountain Apartments", where he uses the halftone process, but applied in a uniquely architectural manner. If you want to see just that bit, it's from 12:43-13:15. The whole video is just over 18 minutes long.

These images are from Flickrite roryrory, who has posted quite an impressive collection of images of contemporary architecture.

Exterior of the building focusing on the photo of Mount Everest.

Closer Exterior of a corner of the building, where the halftone dots are just becoming visible.

Interior showing the holes in the metalwork clearly

Posted by Tom at April 17, 2010 09:52 PM