June 29, 2012

Quite Interesting Facts about Glass

Article in The Telegraph - via @StainedGlass1
QI - Quite Interesting Facts about Glass

Quite Interesting, better known as QI, is a British television comedy/panel/quiz show that celebrates knowledge and ignorance, and everything in between. The host, the one and only Stephen Fry, will introduce a topic and the panelists are docked points for wrong answers (often featuring common factual misconceptions), and given points for bringing in true facts and observations that are 'quite interesting'.

The show topics for each season are centered around a letter of the alphabet (series 1 is "A", series 2 is "B", etc). As I write this, they just finished recording series "J".

The glass segment from Quite Interesting.
Appropriately enough, from series "G" -
QI - S07E04 - The Chinese, the teacup and glass

As my friends will tell you, I'm a pack rat for interesting facts. I can't help it. QI feeds that compulsion very neatly. Even the Telegraph article has triggered it. I feel like I should have known this, but I'd never heard of The Glass Delusion before, and it is... Quite Interesting!. I also think - could it be a good topic for a stained glass panel? Hmmm.

Posted by Tom at June 29, 2012 06:42 AM