January 28, 2005

'Story behind the panel'

A new feature on the main website starting with the story of the technical exercise behind this panel - Pink Angel .


Posted by Tom at 11:51 AM

January 23, 2005


via an email stained glass group...
Recently heard of this project - the Wholeo Dome
and the accompanying story of its rebirth. Very wild.
Takes me back to the 70's, when I started doing and looking at stained glass.

Posted by Tom at 10:46 PM

January 07, 2005

Glass Art Society in St Louis 2006

I found out recently that there is going to be a conference of the Glass Art Society in St. Louis in 2006. There is currently a called for presentations -

Glass Art Society St. Louis 2006 Conference Call for Presentations

an excerpt from the announcement -

The theme of GAS' 2006 conference, "Glass Gateways: Meet in the Middle," encourages exploration of both the close-knit community of glass workers and the diversity of techniques, attitudes, and individuals that makes that community vibrant. Meeting in the middle represents not only compromise, but also companionship and community. The theme allows room for lectures on the dynamics between form and function, technology and tradition, and other interesting dichotomies that influence art. It also encourages ideas about unity and convergence, whether through community endeavors, collaborations, or the merging of many influences to form a cohesive body of work. The demonstration area will allow for multiple functions (i.e. flameworking, casting, blowing, and slumping) in the same space, and presentations of combined techniques are encouraged.

Work and play, concept and execution, expression and meditation all meet in the middle to generate art. Join us for the GAS conference in St. Louis and explore the space in between.

The Glass Art Society Board of Directors is requesting proposals for lectures, demonstrations, and panels for the St. Louis conference that incorporate the theme, "Glass Gateways: Meet in the Middle." Proposals are due February 1, 2005.

I will be submitting a few ideas I have regarding stained glass.

Since I live in St. Louis, I might be able to help if there are any other stained glass related events. If anyone hears of any other SG related events/demos etc., let me know.

Posted by Tom at 04:07 PM